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Once upon a time, there wa' a little boy who never did nuthin but play video games. Day and night 'e would sit in fronta that damn TV like 'e wa' some lump o' crap or sumpthin. Finally, 'is da unplugged that idiot box an tried t' git the boy to go outside an' play, but it were too late. The brat couldna move 'is legs, straighten 'is back, or do anything except twitch 'is thumbs like 'e were still pressing buttons. 'Is da took 'im t' the doctor, but there wa' nuthin what could be done, so the doctor took a pillow and smothered the brat. Later, the doctor took the boy's skull and made an ashtray out of it.

Now git t' bed, and quit playing them damn video games.

Results of Playing Too Many Videogames