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Puddle Duck Racer
Newport 16 sailboat

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Once upon a time, there wa' a wee lad, who was out playing wi' 'is friends 'til after dark. This ungrateful little brat 'ad fergot 'is dear mum's instructions to come 'ome before the street lights came on. 'umming a 'appy tune, the mindless twit skipped 'is way 'ome, not even knowing 'is poor mother was worried sick about 'im. Just as 'e got onto 'is own street, a 'uge beastie wi' great, nasty teeth jumped out o' t' shadows an' et the boy up like 'e wa' a Christmas puddin'.

'Is mother cried fer a week, then got 'erself a dog. She ended up very 'appy, because the dog obeyed 'er every command.

Now git t' bed an' remember t' be 'ome before dark.

Whistling along after dark