
Finishing up the Lazy Weekend Canoe Fleet (and a visitor from afar)
May 17-18, 2013

When last we left the Lazy Weekend canoes, we'd had a successful showing at the Depoe Bay Wooden Boat Show, including a daring paddle out and around the 1/2 mile buoy. We took a few weeks off to attend to things, then picked up again, right where we left off.

Daisy is the second Lazy Weekend Canoe we've built. This is probably the best picture I have ever taken of Curt.

After pulling the tape off the name of Daisy, it was time to finish up the third canoe.

A coat of primer to get her ready . . .

Then Chuck P came a visiting. Chuck is one of the legends of the Texas 200, he sails a Mayfly 14 like it was made out of air.

He was impressed by Ma Zu, one of the Teak Ladies cared for by the Port of Toledo. It has a bronze roller-reefer at the head of the boom that Chuck found worthy of a picture - actually, he took several more, there really are impressive boats.

Patience and her mother, Connie, were riding their bicycles around the waterfront, so I asked them if they'd like to try a canoe.

Patience said she was sure she wanted to go in Daisy, not Aurora, as she doesn't like pink (and that's why we build several canoes.)

I estimate 90% of accidents occur within three feet of the dock. Always make sure they get in and get out safely.

And off they go, Daisy on her maiden voyage.

I am still very pleased with the trim on the Lazy Weekend canoes. I think I got the seats right.

Chuck and I tossed Aurora into the water and followed the ladies up to the tide gates. Connie had grown up in Toledo and used to swim in the slough, but she'd never seen the tide gates.

I made sure Chuck's visit to Toledo was complete.

It wasn't nearly this dark on the return, but the flash changes everything. This is an excellent shot of Daisy with the mill's skyline in the background.

After we returned to the Boathouse, Chuck and I ambled over to the Twisted Snout so Chuck (a homebrewer) could sample some of the local beers. When the Snout closed, we ambled up to Timbers and had some more. Eventually, I had to leave, so I gave Chuck a bedroll and let him nap in the Boathouse before he had to get up at 2am and drive 2.5 hours back to the airport in Portland.

You are very welcome, Chuck. Come any time.

The next morning, Jeff, a naval engineer from the NOAA headquarters in Newport, came to the Boathouse to see what's going on. I had him test out a Lazy Weekend just to get more feedback. He confirmed that it is 'a little squirrley' when paddling solo. I need to get the oarlocks installed so they can be rowed when there's just one person aboard - that'll flatten out the trim and let 'em track better.

We also went up to the tide gates and . . . . well, I'd never seen one of the gates open. You can just see the corner of a dock on the left side of the picture, I think they were going to move the dock to the other side of the gates.

Back at the Boathouse, I did what I do best: Put Jeff to work.

The third and final Lazy Weekend canoe will be named Bea (short for Beatrice, which is too damn long to paint on the bow.)

My, that is a ORANGE canoe - as orange as Aurora is PINK.

Thanks for the help, Curt and Jeff, and thanks for the visit, Chuck, Connie, and Patience. Y'all make being at the Boathouse fun.