
Practicing to Build a B&B Spindrift 11N
September 9, 2013

The build technique is different from anything I have done so far - the process of getting the shape of the boat is called something like Unfolding Butterfly Wings. We were having a hard time getting our heads around this concept at the Boathouse, so I decided to make a model.

First thing to do was create an accurate template on stiff paper and cut it out. Right away, you can see this process will be flawed in that the actual boat is 11' long and this model is ~7.5", roughly a 1:17 reduction. At this size, any minor mis-cuts would result in inches wide gaps at actual size. Still, this way is cheaper.

In the real plans, you take the side pieces and fiberglass the forward 7" of them to the top of the bottom pieces to make the "butterfly wings." In our process, the pattern has the pieces already attached - you just cut them out.

The next step is to fold the two 'wings' together. In real life, we'll stitch the bow tightly and the centerline loosely, per instructions. For the model, we just fold the wings in half and tape the bow and centerline together.

Spread the wings apart, stitching the edges together as you go.

I can't remember how the build sequence goes, so I just made it up for the model. Once the sides are stitched, I am placing the transom. Here, I'm prepping the edges with tape.

Transom in place.

Bulkhead in place.

Forward bulkhead in place. Boom, you have a boat.